
For anyone who has read any of the few previous posts of mine here, I am aware that I said that I would be posting a review of 'the politics of Jesus' by John Howard Yoder after I'd joined the online theological book club.

I have read the book and intend to put something of my response into writing.

But, whilst I intend to carry on with the book club, I have also come to realise just how many books there are on my shelves at home that remain unread. I have to confess I can be a bit of a book hoarder.

My wife knows this all too well and is long suffering with it.

It's difficult, I love the feeling of buying a book, thinking about all the wisdom and enjoyment I'm going to get from reading it, but I suppose there are a few reasons why so many are still to be properly opened...

1. Some are pretty heavy... I am not the fastest of readers any way and sometimes I need to dwell with a book to really take it in.

2. I feel bad... it's odd how guilty I feel when I sit down to read and suddenly all the other (in my head - more useful) things I could/should be doing and I don't give myself the space to sit and be.

3. TV... kills my brain - but man am I addicted to that odd little box. An ongoing battle!

4. Do I even buy them to read? it's a good question - I've always wanted a private library, that looks impressive and that will show others how intelligent and learned I am - without always doing the hard work of becoming learned.

So - I am going on a mission to read the books I have, Hopefully they'll inspire me to respond here a bit.

Think I'm going to get a shock when I look through the kindle too!
