So since moving back to the sea two months ago, I told myself that I would definitely do two things...
1. Take life at a different pace (slower)
2. Get plenty of headspace by the sea
Whilst I've appreciated living close to the ocean, I can comfortably say I've done neither of these things. Life has been hectic and lots of change and getting used to things has led to not much time to myself.
However, in the first couple of weeks I did manage to get an hour away and wrote this whilst looking out to the endless horizon...
We are like ants
we are busy
we flit this way and that
constant movement
we are preoccupied.
We are like ants
scurrying around
never ceasing
minds overcome
with to do lists and chores.
We need it
its like a drug...
To always have a job to do
a task to complete
moving from one thing to the next
always walking - that - bit - faster
always breathing - that - bit - shallower.
We are like ants
We are not ants
We are like ants on a beach
Filling our precious seconds with 'getting it done'
seemingly unaware of the endless expanse that sits before us.
If we would notice, if we would stop and listen.
Listen to the voice of the ocean.
The waves gently - pulsing - against the shore
in slow and measured rhythm.
One - after - another.
The ocean too, is constant.
The pounding of the waves never ceases.
There is no rush.
It will carry on and no-one will hurry it.
Ants are here today and tomorrow they are no more.
The fruit of their work is barely seen.
The ocean is endless.
It was here long before the ants...
It continues on long after.
We are not the ocean.
And yet eternity is planted in our hearts, an endless horizon.
The ocean speaks to us if we will hear it.
We have a choice each and every day.
We choose the pace we will walk
We choose the rate of our breath.
We are like ants
but we don't have to be.
Who will we choose to be today?
1. Take life at a different pace (slower)
2. Get plenty of headspace by the sea
Whilst I've appreciated living close to the ocean, I can comfortably say I've done neither of these things. Life has been hectic and lots of change and getting used to things has led to not much time to myself.
However, in the first couple of weeks I did manage to get an hour away and wrote this whilst looking out to the endless horizon...
We are like ants
we are busy
we flit this way and that
constant movement
we are preoccupied.
We are like ants
scurrying around
never ceasing
minds overcome
with to do lists and chores.
We need it
its like a drug...
To always have a job to do
a task to complete
moving from one thing to the next
always walking - that - bit - faster
always breathing - that - bit - shallower.
We are like ants
We are not ants
We are like ants on a beach
Filling our precious seconds with 'getting it done'
seemingly unaware of the endless expanse that sits before us.
If we would notice, if we would stop and listen.

The waves gently - pulsing - against the shore
in slow and measured rhythm.
One - after - another.
The ocean too, is constant.
The pounding of the waves never ceases.
There is no rush.
It will carry on and no-one will hurry it.
Ants are here today and tomorrow they are no more.
The fruit of their work is barely seen.
The ocean is endless.
It was here long before the ants...
It continues on long after.
We are not the ocean.
And yet eternity is planted in our hearts, an endless horizon.
The ocean speaks to us if we will hear it.
We have a choice each and every day.
We choose the pace we will walk
We choose the rate of our breath.
We are like ants
but we don't have to be.
Who will we choose to be today?