Eyes wide open

Open my eyes...

You dwell in the unapproachable
the blinding,
the all consuming light.

There is no escape and no hiding
from the soul piercing rays.
No barrier can stop you, no darkened corner is exempt
from invasion by the one who said

Let - there - be - light.

And there was

And the cosmos is flooded,
soaked through in this radiance,
all that is seen and all that is unseen,
Nothing left untouched.

Oh, open my eyes

And this light
shines in the darkness.
A darkness that is so often a chosen home.
A darkness so subtle and so alluring
to make us numb and blind to the fact that we can no longer see.

Into this self imposed blackness where inversion and fear hold their captives,
keeping them oblivious to this unapproachable light.
Into this darkness,

echoes a voice

warmer than the sun

Do you hear the words?

'What do you want me to do for you?'

Oh, open my eyes
Open them wide

That I may see,
with sight clearer and truer than any have known.

Oh to see, not purely with these fragile orbs that fail and fade,
but with eyes gifted by the one whose eyes are blazing fire.

To see beyond the confines of our limited scope,
to see afresh, to see anew.
To see through the lens of grace.

The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness has not overcome it.

Oh open my eyes
to see as you see.
